Serving the REALTORS® of Minnesota's Iron Range
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Members Directory

Looking for a real estate professional? RAOR has many!


Our Mission – To enhance professionalism and competency in the Real Estate Industry

Member News

Realtor Safety Progam - We Took the Pledge

We Took the Pledge

As a REALTOR® association, we pledge to promote REALTOR® Safety in communications, media, governance, and action(s). We strive to ensure the safety of our members and the public.

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The purpose of this website is to inform the public and real estate professional of the REALTOR® organization and to communicate within its national, state and local boards.

The REALTOR® organization is a three-tiered structure (national, state, and local) bringing you benefits from each level. When you joined your local REALTOR® association, you automatically became a member of the national and state associations too. Members belong to one or more of almost 1,600 local associations and 54 state and territory associations.

National Level

The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) offers:


The Voice for Real Estate — Bi-weekly Video Series from the National Association of REALTORS®

State Level

The Minnesota Association of REALTORS® (MNAR) offers:


Local Level

The Range Association of REALTORS® (RAOR) offers:

  • Operation of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
  • Advocacy at the local level
  • Educational, professional development and networking opportunities
  • Print and electronic communications
  • New member orientation and day-to-day contact